Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ahhh, Home

You know that IKEA commercial where the couple gets home from vacation and flops face first into their beds?  That is EXACTLY how I felt when we got home on Tues. night (well technically it was 2 a.m. Wed. morning!).  I was SOOO glad to crawl into my own bed with my freshly washed sheets.  That were DRY and smelled sooo good.  I loved Mexico, but it would get humid at night and the sheets always felt slightly damp to me and smelled musty or something and the bed was ROCK hard.  I did sleep good though, I think I could sleep pretty much anywhere!  And for a few hours I just relaxed until I had to get up in the morning and face the mountains of laundry and all the things that had piled up while we were gone!  Had to pay bills, go grocery shopping, etc, etc.  I am FINALLY today finishing the LAST load of laundry from vacation.  Of course now I have to start in on Allison's and I don't think it ever ends!  But speaking of Allison...I actually didn't sleep that good after we got home because I couldn't wait to see her!  When Gradma Nancy got here with her I could here her in the garage, "momma, momma".  When she saw me she got the HUGEST smile.  I was so glad to be HOME!  (pics to come, don't have time now.)

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