Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Allie's Favorite Thing

Allison LOVES to read books! She will sit and listen as long as you are willing to read I think! (Although you sometimes have to change books 1/2 way through or turn pages quickly!) She has a few favorites that she will listen to over and over! Hop on Pop (or most any of the short board books by Dr. Suess), 5 little ladybugs, The 10 Little Pigs, Goodnight touch and feel book. She also has her own chair and she will often bring a book and sit down in it as if she is reading it! It is so cute! No wonder she is such a little smarty pants!

The Amazin' Farm

We took Allison to her first Pumpkin Patch/Fall Farm thing(?) this year! Last year she was just 1 month old! (Although I did see babies that small!!) It was fun, but I think next year will be more fun. This year she was more interested in doing her own thing. She was a little afraid of the goats at first (and one did try to eat her coat!) but she got over that. It really surprised me because up to this point she has loved pretty much all animals. She gets so excited to see kitties and puppies (dogs). They were small goats, but who knows. It was FINALLY a decent fall day. But it was still cool in the wind! Anyway, it was an experience!! I have to laugh at our family pic. It is the only one we got that day on my camera, she is screaming her head off! She did NOT want to cooperate for a picture! (Makes me a little nervous for how our family pics turned out yesterday!). We went with Tom, Holli and Audrey! It is funny to watch the girls. They both had their own idea of what to do at the farm!

Congratulations Eric and Jamie!

On Oct. 10 I was in my good friend, Jamie's wedding. It was so much fun! Fun to get all dressed up and hang out with friends! Allison stayed at my parent's so Jesse could come to the wedding and dance. I have to admit, I am still adjusting to the fact that Jamie is a married woman! Ha, J/k, Jamie! Congratulations again! You guys are an awesome couple!

Monday, October 12, 2009

12 Month Pics

12 Month Check-Up

Miss Allison had her big 1 year check up last Monday! (Sorry, I am a little late...busy week last week, hopefully I will get some posts up later to explain!) Anyway, she weighed in at a whopping 21 lbs! My little peanut! She has the Mages legs, skinny little legs! One day she will appreciate those! That was the 50th percentile for her age though, just seems like everyone else is bigger! But she was 29, almost 30 inches long, which was the 70th percentile for height. But, of course, no matter what those are, she is perfect! Otherwise her check-up went great. She is right on track. Poor baby had to get 4 shots though. But they didn't seem to phase her much. She is so tough! But now we have a new battle ahead...getting rid of the bottle. Actually I don't think it will be too bad. She loves books so I think we will replace her bedtime bottle with a book after her bath. We were going to start this week, but she has a terrible cold, and I work most of the rest of the week, so we might wait until next week when I am going to be home with her all week pretty much. Say some prayers she gets over this cold soon! She is so stuffy and was coughing last night. I am not looking forward to this winter!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

First Steps!

Here is a video of Allison taking a few steps yesterday. She did a few more today. A little unsteady, she has quite a wide stance! But so darn cute! It won't be long and she will be running! As always, the video is a little shaky and our house is a disaster, but that is not what this is about!

1 Year, Then and Now

I meant to do this yesterday, on her birthday, but ran out of time. Anyway, here is a pic of Allison from just after she was born and one taken yesterday. I wanted one of her smiling, but, as always, she was too busy! It is CRAZY how much they change in 1 year! If an adult had to go through all those changes, we would NEVER survive. Babies are amazing!