Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Goodbye Favorite Jeans

Well, I have to say goodbye to my favorite pair of jeans.  I knew the time was coming, I could see them wearing thin in not so good places, but today when I was shopping I took them off in a dressing room and found a hole in a rather unsightly place.  I had to put them back on and after checking and double checking that you couldn't really see anything (the hole was about the size of a dime) I put my sweatshirt on.  I got these jeans probably 3 or 4 years ago and it was love at first sight.  They are "Artist" jeans from AE.  I ordered them online, which I don't usually do because I have to try them on usually, but went out on a "limb" and it worked out!  I LOVE the way these jeans fit me.  They are so comfortable.  I don't even know how stylish they are anymore, but I just couldn't give them up because they were so comfy.  They were from the start but having been worn an million times has made them even more comfortable (obviously ;).  I love AE jeans not just because they fit me well, but they are pretty cheap ($30-50 usually and go on sale!).  After I found this hole, I looked for jeans since I was at the mall anyway (St.Cloud).  I probably tried on 10 pairs of jeans at a variety of different stores, most more expensive, but in the end went back to AE for a pair I had tried on there.  Not the same and not my favorite right now, but they will do.  I did try on 1 pair that I loved, but couldn't justify $160 for a pair of jeans.  Then again if they became my favorites, it would be worth it!!

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