Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Little Beauty Queen!

Allison is quite the little immitator (sp? sorry).  She repeats virtually everything you say and do.  It is pretty cute.  The other night Jesse was stretching for softball and there she was standing there trying to do exactly what he was doing. 

But what she loves to do most is sit on the counter in the bathroom (our very small bathroom!!!) and watch me get ready.  But she doesn't just watch me anymore, now she also has to put on her makeup!!  I usually just give her this eyeshadow that you can't really see or my blush brush, but this time she took out on of my eyeliners.  I didn't think she would know what to do with it...sure enough she did!  She just takes in EVERYTHING we do!  I couldn't help but watch and laugh.  That girl is just too smart!  Jesse is getting nervous!
Very dramatic with the eyeliner!  :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Small Towns = Big Celebrations!

So the past 2 weekends I have been back in my old stomping grounds...Hector and Buffalo Lake, for their summer festivities.  And once again, I have virtually NO pictures from either one.  I am just afraid that after a couple cocktails, I may lose my camera, so I never want to bring it with, but boy, I wish I had.  Lucky for me, my wonderfully awesome partner for these good times, Jamie, did.  So, with her permission I snagged a couple from her blog. 

First off there was Hector Days a.k.a. Corn Chaff Days.  Took in some softball, then freshend up for the evening festivities at the local bar, the OP.  Unfortunately the forecast was not good, it rained and the band quit.  The rain didn't last long, but it brought everyone inside.  And I think probably scared a few people away.  But I did see some old friends and had a great time!  I was feeling pretty old though, some of the kids in there I only remember as being about 10 yrs old!  Made the not so wise (but nevertheless fun) decision to stay up WAYYYYY past my bedtime and play cards after bar closing.  And by cards, I mean catagories.  I paid for it Sunday.

Then this past weekend was BL Days.  Once again watched some softball (my brother played in both tournaments).  Watched the parade in BL, it was positively swealtering Sat.!!  And possibly my favorite part...rode around in a trailer attached to a Ranger for the afternoon!!!  Thanks to Jamie's brother!  Had some delicious Boone's Farm!  Does it get any better??  Haha!  And once again, attended the street dance, which was held in the town shed (?) since there had been storms once again.  But the night turned out to be quite nice after the rain.  Oh, and I forgot to mention, we also attended a "very special" b-day celebration!  We won't mention how old she turned :)! 
The Ranger crew!  Jamie proudly displaying the high quality Boone's Farm!
Thanks for the good times!  Love you guys!!
Jesse did attend BL days (he was the photographer this time), but didn't come for Hector days.  He just couldn't handle all the excitement.  Oh, and we needed a babysitter.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tune in Tuesdays

So, I have decided that I need to try to blog more regularly.  And I need to set specific goals to do that.  I decided that I am going to try to blog every Tuesday.  I picked Tuesday because it is kind of a boring day of the week otherwise, and because, well, it is the day I thought of it.  I might blog other days, but I am going to make every effort to blog SOMETHING every Tuesday.  I have no idea who, or how many people actually follow my blog (I think it is actually more than the 3 people that actually have signed up as followers... :), but a huge thank you to those of you that do!  I don't scrapbook, so this is my way of online scrapbooking (now I just need to print this off and put it in a book!)

Anyway, so here is my official Tuesday blog of this week.  Today I met up with my best friend from HS, Jennie and her 2 sons, Sam and Max, for a morning play date and lunch.  I miss that girl soo much!  In high school we were nearly inseperable, however even though she lives only 30 miles away, we barely see each other anymore.  There just isn't enough days in the week!!  Anyway, it was fun to watch Max and Allison play, they were so cute, but both very much 2 yr. olds.  Both always wanted to play with what the other one had, but overall did very well (I do NOT know how people do daycare!).  And Allison was TOTALLY intrigued by Sam.  I wanted to get a pic of her holding him, but she never actually held him.  She gave him a kiss on the head and was very concerned when he would cry.  One time when he was fussing I was holding him and swaying back and forth, pretty soon she is doing EXACTLY what I was doing with her baby!  What a little mommy!  She cracks me up!
Max was a little sad, he had fallen and hurt his knees.  And this is as close as I got to getting BOTH to look at the camera!
Sam, isn't he sweet!!  Kinda makes me want another one! 

A Day at the Lake

So, as usual, I am a little behind in my posting, so last Friday (a week and a half ago) we went up to Maple Lake by Alex (my parent's have a place at a resort on that lake, it used to be my grandparent's so we have been going there for ages!).  It was a positively GORGEOUS day!  Sunny skies and for once it was NOT windy!  My parents, brother, and his girlfriend and Emma were there too.  Allison and Emma had so much fun playing together.  The water there is crystal clear, it is so beautiful!  I wish we got there more often!

Diaper Genie

Nope, I am not talking about that contraption that is supposed to help you dispose of diapers without the smell (btw...I think they are a total gimmick and money trap - the bags are expensive and you go through them super fast).  I have my own little houdini! 
This is how I found our little "houdini" one morning last week when I went in to get her up for daycare.  And yes, I did put diaper AND pants on her before bed.  Amazingly there was NO pee or poop in the bed!!  Thank God!  Jesse bought duck tape that day to use at bedtime!  Notice, that is her diaper stuffed in the corner of the crib opposite her.  And she must have done it sometime in the middle of the night because the diaper was very wet and like I said, it was not wet anywhere else in the crib.  Hmmm, if she doesn't like wearing wet diapers, maybe it is time to potty train??  We'll see!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Just for Jodi!

Just for you, Jodi...here is the pic of the boys after their run at the Foot Lake 4!  We thought it would be funny to take their pic by the ER sign at Rice, because I thought for sure that is where Jesse would be after running (just kidding!).  But also, Brad's wife, Jodi, is an RN in the ER at Rice and she happened to be working that day!  We should have stopped in and said "Hi".  But I am sure you were busy with people who actually needed help...or not!  Hopefully I will get around to posting more stuff later.  In the meantime I gotta go, Allison is up and we have to finish cleaning!  Another showing today!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Independence Day Celebration!

Saturday I got together with friends at their cabin.  It was an absolutely sweltering hot day, a good day to be at the lake!!  We got there about noon, immediately headed down to the lake and spent the afternoon there until about 5 p.m.  (Allison did take a 2 1/2 hour nap in there tho!).  We just swam - I got bit by a Pirahna, or so it seems (I do actually have little bitty teeth marks in my leg!  Those sunnies were viscious!), had some Vodka slushies, and talked!  A nice relaxing day.  Then we grilled for supper and everyone brought something to share!  I wish we could do it more often! 
Hot (literally!) Momma's!  All of us have had or will have a baby within about 2 years of each other!  Wow!
Brad, enjoying some time in the shade!
Andy, he thinks he is going to go kyaking...
Good thing he is wearing a life jacket!  You have to get in very carefully!
Allie and her new friend, they sat in the hammock or "swing" forever!!  Finally I had to make her get out!
Once again I did not take enough pictures, but I am glad I got some!  Especially since it was me and Allie by ourselves!  AlthoughI think someone else had my camera for a while! 

Boat Cruise 2010

Last Wed. my VB team went on a Fajitas and Margaritas Boat Cruise!  We went on one last year (click here to see that post) and had so much fun, we had to do it again!  It was a blast!  I love my VB teammates!  They are a fun bunch of ladies!  Once again we had pre-cruise Margarita's at Tina's courtesy of her hubby!  It was a bit windy, but otherwise a gorgeous night!  Afterwards we headed inside at Melvin's for a drink (or 2...) then went to O'Neil's for one (or two...YIKES!) more.  What can I say?  Besides, it is fun to have fun with fun people who like to have fun!  Right?

Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Doesn't this look yummy!  I wish I could say I made it, but I did not, and am not this year.  But I have always wanted to make it...maybe next year.  If you do want to make it you can click here for the recipe.  I am making my FAVORITE cookies - White Choc. Macadamia nut!  And the most delicious taco dip, courtesy of my friend, Jamie!  And yummy strawberry slush - mix with some vodka and YUM-O!  Making these things for a day of fun at the Triplett cabin!  Thanks so much to the Triplett's!!  Forcast is sunny and very warm, looking forward to spending the day on the water. 

On another note, I am so bummed.  Yesterday I took Allison and her cousins, Madison and Laura, to the Aquatic Center in Willmar.  We had a blast.  It was so fun to watch them play.  I can't believe how big Madison is getting - she went down the big water slide and off the diving board!  Allie went down the little slide with some assistance.  But what I am bummed about is that I didn't take a single picture!  I did have the camera with, but I didn't bring it in the water with us, and so many times, I thought to myself, I should go get it and take a pic of this, but didn't want to leave the moment either!  Next time, I will for sure get pics tho!  So cute! 

Have a Happy and Safe 4th of July everyone!  Today we are taking the pontoon to Green and bringing Allison with out on it, with some friends!  Tomorrow we are going to the cabin and Sunday, on the 4th, I am working.  Can't turn down that holiday pay!