Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy New Year to everyone!!!  Jesse and I went to the Rath house for New Year's Eve/B-day party for Dan R.  It was fun, but boy have things changed in the last 3 years.  Now this year there was kids there and although we did stay out past midnight, the party pretty much ended with the big ball drop!  We had tons of fun though, socializing and we played Apples to Apples and What's Yours Like?.  I laughed a lot.  Miss Allison spent New Year's Eve with my parents and now Jesse and I are enjoying a quiet day at home.  We took down the Christmas decorations - I was afraid our real tree was going to burst into flames soon it was so dry.  Now our house looks bare!  And I am reminded of the fact I need to look into paint and decorations!  But first I went to Best Buy to look at cameras.  I know it is not really a resolution...but I am going to get a new camera this year, sooner than later.  I was once again frustrated last night by the fact that my battery was almost dead and the slow shutter speed of my camera and the quality of pics compared to Holli and Jodi's nice cameras.  It has been on my wish list for quite a while, but we definitely need to do it before this baby comes. 

Now, my New Year's Resolutions...
Update the blog on a more regular basis.  Going to try to get back to the Tuesday blog for sure and then add in whenever. 
Get to the Y on a more regular basis.  I think I have been using my pregnancy as an excuse not to go, as in, I can't really lose weight now, so why go?  But it is especially important to stay healthy and it will hopefully make going AFTER the baby is born easier. 
And after the baby is born I am going to start training for a 1/2 marathon.  Hoping to do one in Vegas for my 30th birthday.  I have no desire (as of right now anyway) to ever do a full marathon, but I would like to do a 1/2 and it is also gives me a goal and more motivation to get back to running.

Here's to a wonderful 2011!! 

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