Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mandatory On-Call

Wow, 3 posts in 2 days...I think it's a record!  Plus it is Tuesday, so figured I better post something today.  But it's not always going to be this good.  I have this week off, then I work the weekend.  And today I was SUPPOSED to work, but it's a new year, and at Rice that means a new session of mandatory on-call's begins!  Ugh!  Sometimes I don't mind them, it gives me a reason to stay home and get stuff done, but this year as I am trying to save my PTO for maternity leave...I am not enjoying my day off.  I am trying to make it productive though.  Doing laundry and after this post I am on my way to run errands.  Allison is at daycare, today is the only day she was scheduled to go this week and when we are mandated to stay home (due to low census) we still have to be on-call.  So, I am on-call until 7 p.m. tonight.  As of right now they can only make us stay home for 40 hours a year, the hospital is trying to increase that amount but our union is trying to keep it the same.  We'll see what happens.  Anyway, I am off to look get groceries, look at cameras again (possibly buy!!!!  Yeah!), look at paint colors, bathroom stuff (want to redo the "master" bathroom...not sure if it is in the budget), and look at big-girl beds!  Then pick up my baby! 

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