Friday, December 10, 2010

A "Tirty" Point Buck??

Ok, maybe not.  But Jesse did get a deer this year!  It was a nice 8 pointer though.  Allison really liked it (wierd, I was pretty grossed out - especially after he hung it in our garage!).  So, maybe she is part Mages afterall!  Ha!  I am really happy for him, and thankful that this deer hunting season is over!  (Unfortunately now all I have been hearing about is how much ice is on the lakes already!! - It really never ends here!).  Plus I do like deer meat - like the summer sausage, jerky and sticks.  And that is what he is going to do with it.  I am pretty proud of him too, he is a good and smart hunter (at least from what I can tell ;).  And puts a lot, or at least what I consider a lot of time into it. 

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