Friday, December 10, 2010

Miss Allie Cakes!

Just a couple pics of Allison.  The one above, she was just being silly and dancing around with this super cute hat I bought her on ETSY on, the one that she refuses to wear ANYWHERE else!!!!  UGH!  And her favorite Minnie Mouse PJ's!  She is good.  No news on the potty business.  But she is happy, and I should really find some wood to knock on before saying this, but has been very healthy so far this fall/winter.  Praying that continues!  Her latest thing right now is BOOKS!!!  Yesterday morning she was downstairs by herself for 45min. "reading" her books.  They are EVERYWHERE in our house.  And in my car!  But that is a good thing, hoping that continues. 

Below is a pic of Allison and Alyssa at Thanksgiving at my parents this year.  She is sooo funny how she copies people now.  She always wants to sit the way we are sitting.  She adores Alyssa, Alyssa made up a song while playing with her at my parents that she continues to sing all the time at my parents. 

And here is Miss Emma at Thanksgiving!  I didn't do the greatest job taking pics at Thanksgiving at my parents and forgot the camera for Thanksgiving at Jesse's mom and dad's!  Yup, I am such a good photographer!  Isn't Emma sweet!  Having fun coloring.  Allison also adores Emma and loves to play with her!  They are so funny together. 

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