Tuesday, December 14, 2010

16 Weeks - Pregnancy Update

Had another Dr. appt. today.  Had an US again today to check on the previa.  It is gone.  YEAH!  Very thankful.  It was a pretty quick appt. - after waiting 1 HOUR!!!  My Dr. was behind "a bit".  He was substituting on-call for the afternoon and had gotten called to the ER.  I understand.  And if I would have needed to I could have rescheduled.  I was kinda hoping we would have gotten to find out the gender today.  But he didn't even try, just did a quick scan of my cervix and where the placenta was.  Saw a quick peek of baby.  He/she was very active!  So fun to watch.  We could see him open and close his hand (Just using boy gender instead of constantly saying he/she etc. or calling the baby it.).  I had some bloodwork done.  Otherwise it probably lasted a whole 20 min.

At home, I have started being able to sometimes feel the baby move.  Not always, but usually when I am sitting on the couch or laying in bed.  It is sooo cool.  I try to poke him to make him move, but right now it doesn't seem to work.  I am looking forward to when it is more frequent and stronger, I can't wait until Jesse and Allison can feel the baby kick.  Otherwise I feel good.  Except that I feel HUGE this time.  I know I am showing much sooner - which I know is normal for a 2nd pregnancy, but I keep comparing the two.  According to babycenter.com the baby is 4 1/2 inches long (they compare it to an avacado - it is always some fruit or veggie!).  Also says baby will double his weight in the next couple weeks and add INCHES!!  Wow!  Pretty amazing!  I will post a new profile pic of me soon.  Somehow I never think of it until Jesse is in bed.

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