Friday, December 31, 2010


2010 is almost over.  So, I figured I would reflect on our 2010....

Started the year off with a trip to Mexico!  That was wonderful and such good timing, oh how I wish we could be going again!!  Oh, well.
No plans for a trip this year.  Will be saving money for a baby and time off for maternity leave!  But do have plans for 30th birthday in Vegas!!!  Yup, that's the plan folks, start saving to come with, April 2012!

Then we got our house ready and put it on the market in April.  Sold it in August, moved in September!  What a rush that was. 

Found out we are expecting #2 and celebrated our baby's 2nd birthday in October!  So hard to believe we have a 2 year old and another on the way.  Thinking this will be it for us, so I am trying to enjoy it (and mostly I am). 

2010 was a great year, and thinking 2011 will be even better!!  I need to come up with a New Year's Resolution yet, but want to think of something that is actually attainable!  Hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year's Eve!  Hopefully I will get a post in tomorrow on our night.  (Maybe that should be my resolution, to actually post when I say I am going to!).  We are headed to the Rath household for some New Year's fun.  Speaking of which, I better go get ready! 

18 Weeks

Finally a pic of my rather large belly already!  Actually Jesse took the first pic and said you couldn't see my belly, so I did try a little harder, but in reality it is getting HUGE already!  I got out my maternity stuff already and bought 1 pair of maternity jeans (I only had 2 pair from last time, and don't really like 1 of them).  A few of my "regular" jeans do still fit...but they are definitely getting tight already!  Yikes!! 

Merry Christmas!

I can hardly believe that Christmas is over and 2011 is just hours away!!!  Our Christmas plans went something like this.  Christmas Eve we went to Jesse's parent's and celebrated with his family, it was fun and crazy!!  We had a seafood Christmas there as is their tradition.  Jesse looks sooo forward to it, I don't even know how many crab legs he ate!  Then on Christmas Day, I think Jesse and I were as excited as Allison (ok probably more, because she doesn't understand Christmas and that Santa comes Christmas eve and so in the morning there would be more presents to open).  But after getting her up, Jesse had made a trail to the downstairs living room where he kitchen was with the play food, so she found her kitchen.  Then we finished opening presents upstairs and her stocking!  Then we went to Olivia for Christmas with the extended Mages family.  Especially nostalgic this year without Grandpa Mages there.  And on Sunday we went to Hector to celebrate with my family.  We had my family and my dad's side there for Christmas.  Also missed Grandma Lorrie this year at Christmas.  But my mom did a great job with the Dupa Greta (spelling?), the traditional swedish meal we have (also usually on Christmas eve, but we have to alternate with Jesse's family now).  I think we have one more to go, my mom's side of the family, but don't know when that will be.  I miss the traditions of my childhood but it is time to start new ones with our growing family.  Here are pics from our busy weekend.  I had them all in the post, and accidently deleted it?!  UGH!!!  sooo frustrated, anyway, I used this opportunity to try a different way for sharing a bunch of pics at goes!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree...

Here is our Christmas tree this year - the upstairs one.  It is real.  I love a real tree.  But they are a bit expensive, especially when you think about the fact that you have to buy a new one every year.  But, oh the smell!!!  And NOTHING, NO fake tree, comes close to a real one.  Last year I was feeling a bit stressed and with having a 1 yr. old figured it was time to go with a fake one.  So last year we bought a pre-lit fake tree.  It was OK.  But this year I missed having a real one and wanted a real one again.  I did put the fake one up downstairs with more kid friendly ornaments on it.  But for the most part Allison leaves both trees alone.  Except for a while when she was obsessed with plugging them in.  I think I have gotten through to her that MOM or DAD needs to do that!  I did purposely leave the top of the tree off the pic.  I haven't found the right tree topper yet, and for some reason this year it is leaning to the side!  I haven't tried fixing it either, maybe before we have company I will!  I can't believe this week is Christmas already!  I got the presents wrapped yesterday after I got up and now I can't wait for everyone to open their gifts!  Allison tried to start opening them, but I told her no and she has so far left them alone now. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

16 Weeks - Pregnancy Update

Had another Dr. appt. today.  Had an US again today to check on the previa.  It is gone.  YEAH!  Very thankful.  It was a pretty quick appt. - after waiting 1 HOUR!!!  My Dr. was behind "a bit".  He was substituting on-call for the afternoon and had gotten called to the ER.  I understand.  And if I would have needed to I could have rescheduled.  I was kinda hoping we would have gotten to find out the gender today.  But he didn't even try, just did a quick scan of my cervix and where the placenta was.  Saw a quick peek of baby.  He/she was very active!  So fun to watch.  We could see him open and close his hand (Just using boy gender instead of constantly saying he/she etc. or calling the baby it.).  I had some bloodwork done.  Otherwise it probably lasted a whole 20 min.

At home, I have started being able to sometimes feel the baby move.  Not always, but usually when I am sitting on the couch or laying in bed.  It is sooo cool.  I try to poke him to make him move, but right now it doesn't seem to work.  I am looking forward to when it is more frequent and stronger, I can't wait until Jesse and Allison can feel the baby kick.  Otherwise I feel good.  Except that I feel HUGE this time.  I know I am showing much sooner - which I know is normal for a 2nd pregnancy, but I keep comparing the two.  According to the baby is 4 1/2 inches long (they compare it to an avacado - it is always some fruit or veggie!).  Also says baby will double his weight in the next couple weeks and add INCHES!!  Wow!  Pretty amazing!  I will post a new profile pic of me soon.  Somehow I never think of it until Jesse is in bed.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Miss Allie Cakes!

Just a couple pics of Allison.  The one above, she was just being silly and dancing around with this super cute hat I bought her on ETSY on, the one that she refuses to wear ANYWHERE else!!!!  UGH!  And her favorite Minnie Mouse PJ's!  She is good.  No news on the potty business.  But she is happy, and I should really find some wood to knock on before saying this, but has been very healthy so far this fall/winter.  Praying that continues!  Her latest thing right now is BOOKS!!!  Yesterday morning she was downstairs by herself for 45min. "reading" her books.  They are EVERYWHERE in our house.  And in my car!  But that is a good thing, hoping that continues. 

Below is a pic of Allison and Alyssa at Thanksgiving at my parents this year.  She is sooo funny how she copies people now.  She always wants to sit the way we are sitting.  She adores Alyssa, Alyssa made up a song while playing with her at my parents that she continues to sing all the time at my parents. 

And here is Miss Emma at Thanksgiving!  I didn't do the greatest job taking pics at Thanksgiving at my parents and forgot the camera for Thanksgiving at Jesse's mom and dad's!  Yup, I am such a good photographer!  Isn't Emma sweet!  Having fun coloring.  Allison also adores Emma and loves to play with her!  They are so funny together. 

Grandpa Albin

Jesse's Grandpa Albin passed away this week.  He died on Monday and the wake was last night and the funeral today.  It was sad, but he was ready to go.  He has been battling CHF and a few other things, especially in recent years and the last few months have been especially hard on him and Adella, in and out of the hospital.  But he went peacefully at home.  Albin and Adella had 9 children, 23 grandchildren (plus most are married or have significant others), and like 50 some great grandchildren!!!  BIG family!  It was fun to see everyone, but sad it always is under such circumstances that EVERYONE gets together.  Grandpa Albin will be missed, especially in a couple weeks at the Mages Christmas.  But we are comforted by the fact he is in a better place, feeling no aches or pains or worries of the earthly world.

A "Tirty" Point Buck??

Ok, maybe not.  But Jesse did get a deer this year!  It was a nice 8 pointer though.  Allison really liked it (wierd, I was pretty grossed out - especially after he hung it in our garage!).  So, maybe she is part Mages afterall!  Ha!  I am really happy for him, and thankful that this deer hunting season is over!  (Unfortunately now all I have been hearing about is how much ice is on the lakes already!! - It really never ends here!).  Plus I do like deer meat - like the summer sausage, jerky and sticks.  And that is what he is going to do with it.  I am pretty proud of him too, he is a good and smart hunter (at least from what I can tell ;).  And puts a lot, or at least what I consider a lot of time into it. 

Friday, December 3, 2010

Snow, Snow Go Away!

Well, I guess it IS December, so I don't mind the snow that is already ON the ground, I just wish it weren't supposed to snow MORE today and tomorrow.  The Wed. before Thanksgiving I was supposed to get together with friends in Hutch for a much needed night out, I haven't seen these girls in WAY too long!!  But, Mother Nature had other plans for us.  It rained and snowed and the roads were icy and miserable.  So early in the year to have to cancel plans because of snow/icy roads!!!  And with the holidays and everyones busy schedule - we are all nurse's except one and she works weekends too - so finding a time we can ALL get together is almost impossible!!  I was soo bummed.  Miss you girls!

Now, tomorrow we are supposed to have a girls day at my house with another group of girl friends, and once again the weather is threatening to interfere!!  Bah, Humbug!  I am cleaning the house, and had it all planned, hot chocolate and/or wine, BBQ's, cookie making and scrapbooking but most importantly bonding and mental health stabilization with my girls!!  It is sooo needed!!  I am saying Many prayers that the snow is light, fluffy, and it will not be windy and we can all get together anyway.  I mean, after all we DO live in MN, so we are hardy and can make it through anything, right?!  We pride ourselves on being able to travel in conditions that would keep those pansy climates of the southern states become holed up for weeks. 

Anyway, I do have a lot to do, because I am going to prepare for this as if it were not even supposed to snow!  Time to crank up the Christmas music and get busy!  And once again, I have no photos, my camera is STILL at my parents.  Maybe this is a good time to just go buy that new DSLR camera I have been wanting...a little Christmas present for myself??