Monday, February 21, 2011

Under 100!

See that, to the right??  Ok, maybe you can't, it is really hard to read with this background, but I am at under 100 days left of my pregnancy!  98 actually it says today!  But really it is more like 91 (or less) since I am having a scheduled c-section at 39 weeks.  Wow!!!  3 months!  Where has time gone??  I am 26 weeks now.  Feeling baby move like crazy can even feel like sharp movement, i.e. like an elbow or leg vs. more round like head or butt.  Baby is head down, which is good even though I am having a c-section.  Breech babies can have hip problems (not very common, but nice that at least the baby is cooperating in that aspect!).  And I don't know if I said, but I passed my 1 hour glucose test!  Looks like even though I crave sweets and have NOT been very good about "limiting them" (come on, it is girl scout cookie season!!), my body is tolerating it!  I would probably actually lose weight if I couldn't have cookies!!  Anyway, I will post a baby bump pic soon again.  I am feeling more like myself with my blonde hair back too!  Happy, snowy day to everyone!!  Oh, and Happy President's Day!

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