Thursday, February 4, 2010

Like Mother Like Daughter

The other night I was making dinner (or folding clother, can't remember) anyway I was busy and Allison was busy playing. After a bit I noticed it had gotten quiet...a little too quiet. It is never a good thing when she is so quiet. So as much as I was enjoying being able to get a few things done while she was busy playing by herself, I figured I better go investigate. Maybe I will be wrong I thought, maybe she is "reading" a book or something. Here is what I discovered:
This is me!  This is EXACTLY what I do sometimes before going out.  You have to try on a few things!  She had almost emptied her drawer and was busy "trying on" her clothes!  I should have a picture of our room when I get done, but that would be too embarassing!  She LOVES trying to put on her own clothes now.  Mostly just on top of what she is wearing and she sometimes tries to take things off, I dread the day she masters this and I find her in her crib playing in her diaper!!!!

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