Saturday, May 14, 2011

Lions and Tigers and Bears...Oh, My!

No lions, but there were tigers and bears!!  I have been wanting to take Allison to the zoo for quite some time, it just doesn't seem right that she is 2 1/2 and hasn't been to the zoo at all!!  And she LOVES animals!  I knew she would have so much fun.  Well, when we decided to try potty training one last time I decided that going to the zoo would be her reward if she did it.  And she did!  So we had to fulfull our end of the deal and take her to the zoo - and I wanted to do it before we had a newborn baby in the family!!  Anyway, we took Miss Allison last Mon. and even though the weather was dreary and cool (what else is new this spring?!) it didn't rain on us while we were there and we had a blast! 
She really liked watching the monkeys, but her favorite part seemed to be playing in the water in the "shark/eel" tank.  Where you were supposed to be able to reach in and touch these little sharks and eels, but she couldn't quite reach them.  Also was mad when we left the play ground area...go figure!  I love this little monkey soooo much!!!!

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