Sunday, January 3, 2010

15 Months and Update

I'm a bit late with this, but Allison had her 15 month check-up the week before her tubes were placed, she had to have a physical with-in 30 days and was due for her check the week after anyway. She is officially 15 months as of Dec. 30. She is tall and thin for her age (not really surprising, look at her dad!). She is 21 lbs 14 oz and 31 inches long. I have to take her in for shots sometime this week or next, we didn't want to get them right before getting her tubes and with Christmas coming up the next day. She has never had a problem with them, but I was feeling rather whimpy that day and didn't want to risk anything!

And an update on the poor kiddos ears...not even 2 weeks since the tubes were placed and she has her first ear infection, I think. She has not been sleeping the best and had a bunch of drainage from her right ear. Called a friend and colleague from work whose little boy has tubes and she confirmed my suspicion that it was probably an infection. I am Soooo bummed that the poor kid has one again already!!!!!! BUT the really good thing, we can now treat with ear drops instead of oral antibiotics. And we had some left that we used after surgery. I will call her ENT tomorrow, but she already seems much better!

Well, hope everyone had a great New Year's! I will hopefully get around to posting pictures later this week. Do NOT like this increadibly cold snap we have, but we will get through it! Jan. is the hardest month for me! Anyway, Happy New Year! 2010!!! Wow!

1 comment:

Erin C said...

Poor thing! I hope her ears feel better soon!