Thursday, December 6, 2012

Cute quotes and more...

So, there a LOT of things that I want to post on, but for now this will do...  Allison says the funniest things!  Here are a couple that I have remembered of the last couple days.

Allison: "Mom, where was I born?"
Me:  "At the hospital in Willmar, where I work."
Allison: "So I wasn't born in Bethlehelm??"  (said with a LOT of disappointment!)

And this one was tonight while The X Factor was on.
Allison:  "Who's that, mom?"
Me:  "That guy?  His name is Mario Lopez."
Allison:  "He's handsome!"
Lol, mom agrees!  Oh my!!! 

So, I have been working a lot lately and when I have been off, I have been trying to finish our Christmas cards so I can get them out.  I decided to write a letter.  I forgot to proofread it.  Nothing major, but just FYI (and only those that read my blog will know now!  ;)  I knew I hadn't spelled Cirque du Soleil, right, but had meant to google it and re-type it before printing.  I forgot and printed all 100.  Also my mom noticed I wrote hoping instead of hoPPing.  Ha!  There might be more, but that is all my mom mentioned.  So, hopefully it makes sense! 

I still have the majority of my Christmas shopping to do.  Crazy, I know.  I just haven't hardly thought about it and now I looked at my schedule to see when I could go and it will probably be next weekend.  Pray I don't get trampled in the mall!  Hopefully a better post with pics to come this weekend.  :)

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