Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Oh, my sweet girl!  She is so passionate...about everything!!  She is independent - don't even think about trying to help feed her - even if it is rice, or applesauce!  She carries the stool around so she can reach everything and dig in drawers that are normally just out of her reach!  We try to hide it, but Allie uses it to wash her hands and brush her teeth!  Oh, that is something else miss Kara won't let me help her do anymore, brush her teeth!  It really is so cute to watch though, she brushes and "spits" (makes spitting noise, but luckily nothing comes out since she her chin barely makes it over the counter edge) just like her big sister!  And just ask her what she wants, she will tell you!  She clearly says yes or no and rarely has to think about what she wants.  When she is happy, she is over the moon.  And when she is sad/upset...
Well, she doesn't hid that either.  :)  Here's a little video of Miss Kara.  I love it, she has lately had a love of baskets/boxes that she can get into!  She sat in this basket looking at the cards she had just dumped out for quite a while!!  Ha!

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