Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Roll Over Rover

Miss Kara is rolling over...she rolls from her back to her stomach (has been for a good week now).  Doesn't surprise me too much because since she was 2-3 months old she has been going WAY over on her side to look at something or reach for something, but she does not like tummy time!  So she rolls over and then gets mad after about 5-10 minutes...occasionally longer and starts grunting and now screeching (she is very loud!).  She is very strong, she gets way up on her arms, but then when she is getting sick of it she puts her arms out to her sides sometimes with her head up and kicks her legs, then she will put her nose on the ground and eventually lay her head down.  We are trying to teach her to roll back, but she hasn't figured that one out yet.  I think she did it one day, but no one was in the room.  I left her on the blanket to get something and she was WAY off the blanket, the only way I can figure out that she got there was rolling.  The silly girl rolls over ALL the time tho!  Everytime we put her on the floor within a few minutes she is on her stomach! 

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