Monday, November 14, 2011

Cereal and More

When you go a month between posts there are about 100 things I could blog about, and it seems overwhelming with where to even start, but I'll just start here:

A week ago we started cereal with Kara!  She was showing all the signs she was ready, sitting with support (minimal), watching us eat, opening her mouth if you pretended like you were going to give her something!!  It was more a matter of I wanted to do it when she was feeling ear infection!  (We'll get to that!!)  Anyway, the first time she made some pretty awful faces, but did pretty good.  Second time she gagged.  I was ready to quit, but we decided to try one more time.  She did GREAT!  And has ever since.  We are now giving it to her 3x a day.  I think she still prefers her bottle, but especially today I noticed she was really going for it. 

All ready...

WHAT was that?!
Ok, we'll try again...
Not going well
Seriously mom?!  Ok, believe it or not, she DOES like it now!!
Another mile stone accomplished in the last couple weeks...she now rolls over.  Just one way so far, which it baffles me, she rolls from her back to her stomach.  Which she hates - or used to, actually she is starting to like it for 5-10 minutes.  But then she grunts and screeches, and complains until you help her roll to her back.  Silly girl!  She does it ALL the time though, it kind of drives us crazy because we will put her on the floor and within 5 min. she rolls to her stomach and then gets mad! 

AND...her ears.  Poor kiddo.  I feel like we live at the clinic.  I think we are there EVERY week at least 1x!!!!  I told our pediatrician, I remember a time in my life when I went to the clinic MAYBE once a year for a physical and that was it!  Anyway, the latest is she was in last Monday and started on an antibiotic that she is supposed to take for 3 weeks.  HOWEVER, last night and today she didn't sleep the greatest.  She is happy as can be when awake, but it is not like her to not nap good and tonight she woke up after being in  bed for an hour and was crying.  So, I had called the clinic earlier, not sure what to do (I feel so paranoid sometimes!) anyway, we are going to see ENT.  They are supposed to call me tomorrow for an appt.  I am very anxious.  I am so sick of her poor ears hurting and her having to be on antibiotics!!!  I also have to see ENT, so maybe we can get a 2 for 1!!

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