Monday, July 25, 2011

Colic...What colic??

This picture just doesn't quite do it justice of how wonderfully peaceful and beautiful she looks sleeping!  I had to take it with no flash so I wouldn't wake her!  Anyway, we have been dealing with colic at our house the past 2 months.  I have read and heard that it does go away at 3 months...I am waiting and praying it does.  It is sooo incredibly hard to deal with.  I have questioned just about everything.  We started her on Zantac a few weeks ago for possible reflux...we weren't sure it was helping so last weekend we trialed stopping it.  Needless to say she is back on it today and I do think she needs it.  I am nursing and I question just about everything I eat and drink.  I wonder if she would better off getting formula...but then some say it is worse on formula.  Plus that is so expensive!  I wonder if we should be bottling her instead (sometimes it seems like she swallows a lot of air nursing).  I wonder if when we do start formula if we should have her on special formula (soy?).  I don't know.  I am just trying to make it through the next month and then we will probably switch to just bottles because I will go back to work.  I plan to continue to pump, but she will also get some formula then too. 

Also, night sleep.  Allison was sleeping mostly through the night by 2 months already!  She would get up just once at 2-3 a.m. to eat and then back to sleep until 7 or so.  BUT she didn't go to bed until 10-11 p.m.  Kara (usually) goes to bed by 9, but she gets up for sure 1x and sometimes 2x.  I am WAITING for the night I wake up at 6 a.m. and she hasn't gotten up!  I realize this is expecting a lot.  I just need to have faith that she will eventually sleep all night!!!  (PLEASE, PLEASE do it by 3 months....please! ;)

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