Thursday, June 30, 2011


So, I am a little behind in posting pics.  I had planned on posting pics of the new Rath baby - Miss Ellie Jo, and pics from Kara's baptism, and some of Allie and Kara, but it hasn't happened.  Don't know why, but I find it such a task to actually download the pics to the computer.  I prefer to keep them on our desktop so they aren't taking up space on the laptop...however I don't remember the last time I turned on the desktop computer.  Anyway... besides being behind in picture postings, here is what we have been up to...

I know I have said it before, but I LONG for routine.  That is the hardest part of having a newborn for me.  I like when they get to the point of sleeping 10-12 hours at night, nap from 9-11 and 1-3.  (At least that is the routine we had for Allison).  But it didn't start until 3-4 months or so.  Right now, is one day and night she sleeps good, eats good, and we are all happy.  Next day I can't hardly put her down, she cries and cries and I cry then.  It has been a rough week in that she was really colicky Tues. night and yesterday continued to be a really rough day.  We struggle with getting her to stay asleep when we put her in her bed.  It is so frustrating to have a sleeping baby and try laying her down and 10-15 min. later... WHAAAAAA.  I think we repeated this routine 100x yesterday!  I didn't think she was EVER going to sleep in her bed!  THEN luckily we had a good night when she finally went to sleep in her bed and now she has been napping there for 2+ hours!  (Actually I think it is almost 3 hours...I should probably get her up...but it is soooo hard to wake a sleeping baby!!).  I know it gets better, but for now, it is  hard.  Also hard to have a new baby in the summer.  She doesn't particularly like to be outside, so it is hard to do much of anything.  People say, oh, you are so lucky to have all summer off...I actually preferred Allison's birthday of being end of Sept. and having holidays off and then by summer she was old enough to take to the pool, and the lake, and I felt comfortable leaving her with a babysitter - AND I was done nursing.  But, Oh, well.  Christmas will be really fun this year and next summer will be great.  And I love her to pieces, the good days and the bad!

1 comment:

Erin C said...

Hang in there! I feel your pain and remember those days! For some reason the second baby really likes to give you a run for your money! I hope lots of sleep is in your near future :)