Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ice Fishing Begins!

Hunting no sooner ended then ice fishing began! I thought with the warm Nov. that it would be Jan. at least (wishful thinking, I know!) but Jesse literally got home from his hunting trip the first week in Dec. and said, "on the way home we say ice houses on the lakes!" Ugh! So, first I am a hunting widow, now I am an ice fishing widow! Ok, I am overexaggerating (sp.?). He really doesn't get to do either as often as he would like anymore and he spends tons of time with Allison, taking care of her while I am at work. And I play VB 1 night a week, so he takes care of her that night too (although some weeks I don't have to leave until after she is in bed). It actually is just the fact that I feel bad that he doesn't get to go as much as he would like that bothers me. But I know one day before we know it our babies won't need us as much and then I will long for these days again. But anyway, he did get to go on Sunday and had fantastic luck on Onion Lake (ha! that is what he tells me to tell people! Fishermen!!). Caught some nice Walleye's, they were delicious!

1 comment:

Erin C said...

I hear ya... they grow so fast and then we will be able to do whatever we want someday. Sad :(