Sunday, September 6, 2009

Happy Labor Day!

I hope everyone is enjoying this BEAUTIFUL labor day weekend! It is rare to have one this nice! We have had a nice and pretty relaxing labor day. Surprisingly we went into the weekend with NO specific plans! On Friday night we ended up going to the Pat Benetar concert at Jackpot with friends (the tickets were free). It was a pretty good concert! Last night we had friends over for "pudgy pies" as we call them, aka campfire pies. One of my summertime favorites and I usually only get it 1x/year! I think this is the first time though that it hasn't been with my Grandma Berntson and that side of the family! And today we went on a pontoon ride this afternoon/evening after Allie's nap! Her first ride on the pontoon. It was fun, but I am bummed, I forgot my camera! I have not taken a single pic this WHOLE weekend!!

And since it is labor day tomorrow...I am thankful that I have a job. And that Jesse does too! Especially with the way the economy has been the last couple years. I may sometimes wish I didn't HAVE to work, but that isn't going to happen anytime in the next 40 years! But I do like my job, I feel good about what I do, I like the variety and it is constantly challenging me. So, Happy Labor Day to everyone and I hope you have/had a good weekend!

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