Sunday, June 10, 2012

1 Year Stats!

Kara had her 1 year check up on Friday.  Everything went well!  I love these kinds of check ups!  She was so cute, smiled initially at Dr. Swanson, as long as I was holding her!  But when it was time for him to examine her on the table, she was not happy!  Big crocodile tears and he didn't even have to do anything painful!  The poor thing did get 4 shots and a blood draw (to check hemoglobin and lead levels - routine at 1 yr).  It sure is rough to turn 1!  Not to mention the teeth she is getting!  Anyway, here are her stats: 
21 lbs even - 50th percentile
30 inches long - 75th percentile...
She continues to be taller/thinner!  But she still has so much baby chubbyness, I LOVE IT!

Here is a pic of her in her big girl carseat, she got Allie's seat now and Allie got a booster.
And on Friday after her appt. we went to the pool.  Both girls loved it!  But boy, is it a workout taking both of these girls there by myself! 
Allie, being silly!

Having fun playing in the water!  Momma trying to keep that bald little head from getting too much sun!

Allie trying to "help" Kara.  Not sure if she needed it... :)

Water in the face, but she loved it!
Friday was a busy day, Friday evening we went to Kara's first parade and our first of the year!  The Inventor's Parade in Redwood Falls.  Jesse's aunt, Carrie, had mentioned it was a fun one and we decided what the heck!  The girls had so much fun!
Allie and cousins Maddox and Laura!

Kara and daddy!

One addendum...for inquiring minds...Allie weighed 21 lbs and was ALMOST 30 inches at her 1 year check up, so they are right on with each other!  My dad did not think Allie was that big at a year, turns out she was!

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