Friday, February 3, 2012

So True!

This was posted on FB this morning by one of our OB's.  I have to repost it because it is sooo true, someone finally put into words what we all think!  Here is the link:

So much more to little time!  And I need to go to bed now!  Nights last night.  We have "gone live" with EPIC at work.  It is interesting.  There are definitely some bugs in the system and I am sure we will continue to find more, but luckily we have EPIC support people there that are getting right on the issues...not that they are resolved right away though!  Anyway, enjoy and hopefully I will post more later!

1 comment:

Erin C said...

Amen to that blog post! They should hand it out to pregnant mom's BEFORE they get to us :)