Wednesday, December 14, 2011


So much to do, so little time!!!  Seriously, how is it possible that Christms is 10 days away??  Well, at least I finally got my Christmas shopping done! find time to wrap these presents!  Oh, well, the kids (I mean Allison, since Kara isn't mobile yet) wouldn't leave them alone anyway if I had them wrapped and under the tree!  Need to get a picture of the kids with Santa...I had my chance...  It happened by accident.  I went to St. Cloud to pretty much start and finish my Christmas shopping in one day (and get a haircut!) on Monday, and at about 12:30 Jesse calls and wants to know when I will be home!  He had an interview in St. Cloud (which I was very excited about!!).  So, what to do with the kids...well he brought them to me at the mall while he had his interview...great, but that was 2 hours I got basically nothing done at the mall!  ANYWAY, while we were walking around and I was trying to keep Allison from breaking anything, I saw Santa!  So we got in line.  While in line I realize poor Allie looks like a homeless child.  This is what happens when you are gone and dad is in charge and lets her dress herself and leaves like that!  Not that Santa cares, but I thought if I want to get a picture I wanted to dress them all up cute for it!!!  Well, I probably should have taken the opportunity because now I don't know when we will get to see Santa!!  Neither one cried and both sat on Santa's lap too!!  Allison told him she wanted a bunny for Christmas...not sure where that came from!  Anyway, also on my to do list, go see the light show on Eagle lake (I think that is where it is anyway).  Hopefully Friday.  I also wanted to see the Hollidazzle, but maybe next year, Kara will like it more next year.  Oh, and I guess I might as well just put away that box of Christmas decor I have still sitting in our living room that I didn't get around to opening!  If it isn't out by now, I don't think we need it!  We do have decoarations, I just found this box after I thought I was done and was gonig to put a few more things out.  But oh, well.  Baking to do Friday as well!!  I have no idea what I am wearing for Christmas, but at least the kids have cute outfits!!  Thanks Grandma Nancy!  OH, but that reminds me, I need to get Allison tights yet!  ANyway, right now on my list is sleep, so good night!

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