Saturday, December 3, 2011

6 Months!

I probably start every month post about Kara's age this way, but I can't believe she is 6 months already?!  How is it possible that my baby is 1/2 way to 1 year???  She is so much fun.  She is now eating cereal, fruits and veggies and she has even had a couple baby crackers, she LOVES it all!!  She is almost sitting on her own, will for a short time, but I like to keep the boppy around her yet...she gets a bit tippy especially when she is excited or reaches for something and forgets she is sitting up!  She rolls, but still only to her stomach!  The little stinker just won't roll back.  She is such a happy baby now, even with all her ear troubles!  Poor baby has had ear infections and is getting tubes on Tuesday.  I am looking forward to it, the tubes helped Allison sooo much and I am hoping for the same results here!  Unfortunately because she is so young when she is getting them, she will probably need at least one more set.  And hopeing after her tubes she will start sleeping through the night consistently...please?!  Right now she sleeps all night maybe 1 or 2x a week, but even when she does get up, usually we just feed her and she goes back to sleep.  Normally by 6 months I would be all about letting her "cry it out", but with her ear infections and she has had a cold, we get up with her and usually end up feeding her, then she goes back to sleep.  There are pros and cons to her sleeping all night tho...she goes to bed between 7:30/8 and if she gets up during the night (usually between 2 and 4) she will sleep until 7:30/8 (maybe longer, but we wake her by 8 so she will take 2 good naps).  If she doesn't get up during the night she will get up between 5:30 and 7.  If it is before 6, I try putting her back to bed.  Sometimes she will fall back to sleep, but sometimes she just talks in her bed, kind of funny, but I usually can't fall back to sleep then.  She had proffessional pics taken last week, so hopefully I can post a couple pics from that soon and she has her 6 mo. check up on Mon., so I will update then!!  Prayers for a good surgery on Tuesday please!  :)

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