Friday, March 13, 2009

Tough Week

Well, Allie had kind of a rough week last week! Luckily I had the week off until starting nights Friday night! Wed. she woke up and just was not herself. She was fussy and clingy, usually she is very good and will play on the floor or in her jumperoo, but she just wanted to be held. I ended up taking her in and basically she just had a nasty cold virus. (She was exposed to RSV, but he said if it WAS RSV, it was a mild case). So just push fluids and use Tylenol/Motrin as needed. She had a fever Wed. night and Thursday, 103.5 was the highest it got, and by Thursday night I was starting to think she was feeling better. She played in her jumperoo and splashed like crazy in her bath. Then we went to give her her bed time bottle and she started crying, and I don't mean just fussing, this was full blown screaming, crying. I undressed her and checked her all over and couldn't find anything. She cried for about 25 min. before she just fell asleep in my arms. I figured it was an ear infection then (even though they were fine on Wed.). So, Fri. morning we took her back to the Dr. and sure enough...she had an ear infection! She is doing much better now! We started the cereal again (she wasn't having it when she wasn't feeling good and the dr. said we should probably wait until she was feeling better) and she has been such a good baby! I will post some pictures again soon!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Glad she is on the mend. Ear infections are no fun!

Take Care, Andrea