Miss Allison had her big 1 year check up last Monday! (Sorry, I am a little late...busy week last week, hopefully I will get some posts up later to explain!) Anyway, she weighed in at a whopping 21 lbs! My little peanut! She has the Mages legs, skinny little legs! One day she will appreciate those! That was the 50th percentile for her age though, just seems like everyone else is bigger! But she was 29, almost 30 inches long, which was the 70th percentile for height. But, of course, no matter what those are, she is perfect! Otherwise her check-up went great. She is right on track. Poor baby had to get 4 shots though. But they didn't seem to phase her much. She is so tough! But now we have a new battle ahead...getting rid of the bottle. Actually I don't think it will be too bad. She loves books so I think we will replace her bedtime bottle with a book after her bath. We were going to start this week, but she has a terrible cold, and I work most of the rest of the week, so we might wait until next week when I am going to be home with her all week pretty much. Say some prayers she gets over this cold soon! She is so stuffy and was coughing last night. I am not looking forward to this winter!