Sleep is important to us and I know and understand that good sleep habits lead to a happier/healthier baby and child (and mommy and daddy :)), so we have tried our hardest to give Allison the tools for good sleep. And for the most part she is and has been a good sleeper. I think we are getting close to Allison only needing 1 nap a day, but I don't think we are there yet. And I don't know what to do, or if we are doing something wrong. She sleeps good at night from about 7:30 to around 7 the next morning. And that is GREAT! Here's the problem. She seems to need a morning nap and takes a good morning nap. She will go down for her nap by 9:30 and lately since I am TRYING to preserve her afternoon nap, I have been getting her up no later than 11. She definitely needs the afternoon nap to make it to bedtime. Today I got her up at 10:45 from her morning nap and didn't lay her down until 2 for her afternoon nap (actually it was 2:15 by the time she was in her crib). It is 3:15 and she is STILL awake!!! She does not cry, she jabbers and plays in there. There are no toys in her crib. She gets only her blankie and her paci for naps. I almost wish she would cry because then she would cry herself to sleep!!! But nope, she is just awake, happy as a lark. I have tried going in and saying NOTHING to her, just putting her paci back in her mouth and giving her her blankie (which she has usually tossed out of the crib) and laying her down again and leaving. Sometimes she poops, which I will change her without saying anything to her (today it was so hard not to laugh, she was being so silly!) and put her back in her crib. Earlier this week, I tried to do only 1 nap and we skipped her morning nap. I decided that if she was done with her am nap, I was going to go to the Y in the morning and work out (they have a child-watch while you exercise). I picked her up at 10:15 and the lady said she was good but that "she is so tired". I felt like a terrible mom! And she was tired, exhausted! I ended up having to put her down for a nap right away when we got home. So, naps have been a bit of a battle (the afternoon one anyway) this week. And I hate that, a couple weeks ago, it was so easy! 2 naps 1 1/2 to 2 hours long, no problem!! I guess she naps good at daycare but 2 things happen usually when she goes to daycare, I have to get her up at 6 and I think she gets more wore out by the other kids. Anyway, I'm sure by next week things will be different! 3:22 now, crying, sleepy, hopefully will be asleep soon!!